Technically, rocks are a fusion of various inorganic minerals and some organic substances. It is in the form of solid lumps with different strengths and other properties. It is a lengthy natural process glued them together.
A geologist classified rocks into three major categories:
- Igneous rocks
- Sedimentary rocks
- Metamorphic rocks
1. Ingenious Rocks:
It forms from the molten volcanic materials such as magma, which forms granite, and dark lava, which builds from basalt.
Let’s know different kinds of ingenious rocks in detail.
Shoshonite Rocks
It is basalts rich in potassium and consisting of other minerals like a high content of silica, alkalis, and low content of iron to form the solid rocks.
Aphanite Rock
It composed of highly fine-grained microscopic-sized mineral components, such as plagioclase feldspar, biotite, quartz, and orthoclase.
Adamellite Rock
It is an intrusive, felsic, and igneous rock. Orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars are equal in proportion in it.
Vogesite Rock
Vogesite is a species of lamprophyre and its name derived from the Vosges Mountains in France. It is ultra-potassic mafic igneous rocks with amphibole or biotite.
Essexite Rock
Its name is derived from Essex County. It is a holocrystalline plutonic rock with dark grey to black color.
Dunite Rock
It has the coarse-grained texture of the ultramafic composition. It has 90% olivine and other minerals.
Dacite Rock
It is grey or pale brown and yellow rock with white feldspars, and black crystals. It has silica as a major component.
Harzburgite Rock
Its names derived from Harz Mountain of Germany. It primarily consists of olivine and low-calcium pyroxene minerals.
Kimberlite Rock
Its name derived from Kimberley in South Africa. It is sometimes the carrier of diamonds and existing in a vertical structure called pipes or ingenious dykes. It forms thanks to an intricate intrusive process of kimberlitic magma.
Enderbite Rock
It belongs to the charnockite series and containing quartz, antiperthite, orthopyroxene, and magnetite.
Troctolite Rock
It is intrusive types of ingenious troctolite rock. It contains plagioclase feldspar and olivine.
Trondhjemite Rock
It mostly occurs within conjunction with tonalite and granodiorite as the TTG and greenstones, which are dominated by TTG in Archaen Terrance.
Granophyre Rocks
It is sub-volcanic rock chiefly consisting of quartz and alkali feldspar in angular intergrowths.
Trachyte Rock
It has little irregular steam cavities, which results in uneven surfaces giving a rough texture. Therefore, its name derived from this characteristic.
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