
Sunny days invite us to come out and make outdoor life equally significant to indoor. It raises the need for outdoor landscape and patio seems the most feasible option. Building home is a one-time investment in the life, and you have to bear the high cost to make it usable and comfortable throughout the lifespan.

patio paving pro and cons

It makes sense when you are thinking some extra bucks on the construction of a decent patio with the sumptuous material, alluring design, and gorgeous look-n-feel. Before going to invest heavily on patio building, let’s have a discussion on its pros and cons.

Of course, many have confusion between the definition of patio and deck in this regard. Therefore, I would like to clarify that deck is an inseparable part of a house while patio maybe or not a part of the house. It has different usability, use-cases, and appeal in the statement of beauty in the home and its surroundings.

Pros of Paver Patio


A lifespan of a paver patio greatly depends on the material applied.

  • The wooden patio has the least durability.
  • The concrete patio has a bit longer lifespan.
  • High-quality stone pavers are lasting more than a quarter of a century (25 years) and sustain without much maintenance.

Conclusively, we can say natural stones or artificially layered concrete blocks are the best options to apply in patio build. In due course, I would like to recommend products of ‘World of Stones’ like Geo Ceramic Paving, which has a durable topping of parceling coat over the strong but permeable concrete slab.


Concrete is better at strength but its consistency thanks to reinforcement renders it susceptible to load bearing when soil beneath it is leaving the required support for many reasons including earthquake and land sliding.

In such circumstances, small pieces of natural stones, high-quality concrete bricks, or concrete slabs with an artificial coating (topping) prove the sturdiest material. It may have three to four times higher strength compared to rests of material options in making paver patio.

With natural stones used in patio paving, we can grab following advantages.

  • The zigzag design gives it a solid interlocking.
  • A lot of individuals units disperse any scale of load evenly and directly to the ground.
  • High-quality filler material in slits offers it a long life.

Weather Proofing:

Outdoor construction always becomes a victim of extreme weather conditions taking place during rain, hot, and cold climates.

  • Rain can drain charm of materials used in paving patios. It also penetrates into the material thanks to its natural porosity, and eventually weakens it.
  • Heat lead to an expansion of patio material unit as well as the ground/land beneath it.
  • Cold can contract the material unit and underneath the soil.

If your installation of paver patio is in a standard manner and used high-quality materials, you can overcome these depicted shortcomings easily. Proper construction can minimize the movements of units, and high-quality material eases the washing or de-staining quick.

Technically, these all is not possible with external surfaces of your home and every alternate year you have to bear wear & tear expenses. It is never in the case of paver patios at all.

Cons of Paver Patio


It is the true construction of paver patios are an expensive option. It best suited for even ground, so the cost of leveling and laying foundation is a bit high.

Longer Installation Duration:

It has a longer construction cycle compared to a concrete patio with a single slab. For instance, the installation cycle consists of the following essential steps.

Higher Upfront Cost:

If you compared a low-cost brick paver option with the same sized stamped concrete slab patio, it found a 30% higher upfront investment. When you go for high quality and costly options like decorative stones and toppings on it, you may end up with more than 50% upfront investment.

Prone to Weed Growth:

A Paver patio is consisting of numerous small units forming tons of slits between those individual units. Sands are filler material, and easily wash out by rains or during regular water washing.

When seeds of weeds floating in the air settle down in these slits and get humidity/water to grow, weeds can spoil the look-n-feel of your paver patios. It can damage the patio material in the long run and boost the wears & tears processes.

Removing weeds and reinstalling the entire paver patio within three to four years seems daunting.


The success of paver patio greatly relies on some vital factors such as the selection of material, manufacturer, and installation services. If you look for perfection in each vital aspect of the success, World of Stones in the USA have capabilities to allocate all at highly market competitive rates.

You will have a free consultancy with transparency and lifelong support for maintenance as well as your queries.


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The word limestone derived from lime means carbonates in terms of chemistry. Stones means solid bonds occur among various non-organic minerals. Thus, limestone has a combination of organic (Carbon-CO2) and minerals (Chiefly Calcium) along with other non-organic ions/minerals.

Infusion of an organic substance with non-organic stuff makes limestone quite different from other natural paving stones found in nature. Unique and different properties of limestone render it as industrially useful natural resources with diverse applications.


Now, the question is where and when infusion takes place? In the timeline of Earth, after formation of the core, water has covered the almost entire surface of the Earth.


The evolution of life and living creatures has taken place under the sea water. These living creatures under the water were capable of forming calcium carbonates in different combination and properties.

Formation of Fossils

Thus, calcites & aragonites became primary sources of the skeletons of the living creatures living in the sea and outside the water.

Formation of Fossils

Therefore, right from single to multi-cellular animals, Diatoms to Mollusca, and big fishes have contributed a lot to the formation of limestone.

Fossiliferous Limestone

The mingling of living creatures after their death with non-organic minerals resulted in sedimentary rocks with limestone. The dead living creatures termed as fossils hence rock consist of fossils known as Fossiliferous Limestone.

Fossiliferous Limestone

Fossils are of two types,

Macroscopic Size Fossils:

Brachiopods, gastropods, crinoid stems, and hard-shelled Mollusca are forming macroscopic size fossils.

Macroscopic Size Fossils

Most of the limestone varieties are made up of the macroscopic size of fossils and forming grains in the rocks when cutting in transverse section.

Microscopic Size Fossils:

Diatoms, single-celled, and two layered multiple celled organisms are forming microscopic size fossils and recognized just as traces of fossils in the limestone.

Microscopic Size Fossils:

Granular appearance only possible when a big pool of fossils accumulated at a place/places and deposited/sedimentation occurs.

Classification of Fossiliferous Limestone:

According to geological surveys, nearly 10% of sedimentary rocks are limestone type. Limestone sedimentation occurs in different strata of the earth. Depending upon the depth of sedimentation, limestone can be classified as:

  1. Shallow water deposits
  2. Deep-sea deposits
  3. Evaporative deposits
  4. Freshwater deposits
  5. Eolian deposits

The formation of different types of limestone depends mostly on the water pressure, temperature, pH, and ion concentration like various conditions/environment in different depth of seawater.

Apart from under the water formation, limestone formation also takes place on territorial surfaces where freshwater is flowing on the surfaces like rivers, streams, and lakes. Freshwater deposits of limestone also happen in the groundwater reservoirs or underground water streams precipitating from the surfaces as well as flowing from one underground reservoir to another.


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Today it is tough to make the right selection for a material of stone patios for paving. Here are top ten choices to explore with some required info that may help you to reach the correct stone types for patios.

Enjoying the Sunrise, having a Barbecue party, or playing with kids, your Home Backyard patio proves a big blessing and provides you dreamt space to go for recreational activities without wondering for a public place around you.
How your backyard patio has made up, and what material used to become a matter of concern when it becomes a matter of pride during a barbecue. The same goes true when you seem anxious regarding the safety of your playing children on the patio.
Today, a variety of materials used in the construction of patio for paving including natural and artificial. In ancient houses, most of the material applied was natural and from various stones. Now, my interest is confined to the current discussion on (10) ten different types of stones patios used for paving.

1 – Sandstone Paving

Sandstone in industry refers as natural stone. Being soft and easy to work, it is often the first preference when a homeowner thinks about installing garden paving.
Sandstone being hand finished and the natural product comes with a mirage of colors and hues within the riven texture.
If you are scrappy for hard-wearing, durable, and classic to modern appearance, ‘World of Stones’ in the USA offers an exotic collection of Natural Stones with high quality and unique look that is second to none.
Under the title of Premia Collection, sandstones are available with sawn edges, and hand split edges to offer an aged rustic look-n-feel.

2 – Limestone Paving

Limestone is another version of natural stones. However, it is a bit costly option when Marble is going to use in paving patio. Of course, second-grade marbles used in tiles form slabs instead proves an affordable choice for affluent people’s homes.
The durability of limestone is unbeatable. Variation in texture found unmatched. It is especially when people look for uniqueness. It is soothing eyes, and calm down anxieties while taking a walk on marble stone patios.
The durability of limestone is unbeatable. Variation in texture found unmatched. It is especially when people look for uniqueness. It is soothing eyes, and calm down anxieties while taking a walk on marble stone patios.

3 – Flagstone Paving

If your eyes are searching an interesting but varied pattern yet cool underfoot on patio paves, consider flagstone paving. When someone utters the word flagstone, Arizona Flagstones come first in mind.
Most of the flagstones come as large and flat pieces of stones with colors varying from red, pink, orange, brown, blue, gold and combination of two or three. For centuries it applauds for non-slipping surface material for patios and outdoor applications.
Its low maintenance and quick fix thanks to irregular shapes making it an adorable choice for gardeners and backyard contractors.

4 – Bluestone Paving

The name bluestone derived from its bluish-gray hue and quarried in NY, PA, and CT like locations in the USA.
It came with different grades and known as different names, such as Natural Cleft Bluestone, Thermal Bluestone, and Irregular Bluestone.

5 – Slat Stone Paving

If flagstone seems a pricey option for natural looking pavement, slat stone is an affordable option. It gives a strong statement, which complementing a period property. Rich colors of slate stones pick up the Sunshine and look lovely during warm days.
Being a dense stone, it has low porosity, and naturally stain-resistance. Hence, it requires the lowest maintenance among the paving stone materials.

6 – Granite Stone Paving

Granite stones are equivalent to Thermal Bluestones in properties but costly due to its scared sources.
After decomposing, it proves the best material for patio paving. You can mulch or mingle with resin to make it sturdy patio cover.

7 – Cobblestone Paving

Cobblestones are another form of Granite blocks. However, it is suffering from irregularities that create rough surfaces and making it non-slippery choice.
It greatly used for edging and accents, as well as covering larger paving areas.

8 – Fieldstone Paving

Fieldstones are heavier than flagstones. Otherwise, all properties are almost the same.
Therefore, it is tough to fit fieldstones and resulting in a more rustic stone patio for paving, steppers, and similar applications.


You can be laid these stones on the sand, mortar, or bare soil. Similarly, you can create an alluring combo of two or more different types of stones for patio paving and make it unique for your home backyard. Whatever your requirements, choice, and budget, World of Stones is a worth to visit destination in the USA once you have finalized your decision to construct a patio.